Source code for propy.wrappers.methods

__all__ = ['repr_method']

[docs]def repr_method(*args): """ A convenience wrapper for creating class `__repr__` methods. If '__all__' is passed to the method, all properties assigned to the object will be included in returned string. Parameters ---------- args Strings corresponding to class properties to be returned. Examples -------- >>> class Test(): ... __repr__ = repr_method('x', 'y', 'z') ... ... def __init__(self): ... self.x, self.y, self.z = 1, 2, 3 ... >>> repr(Test()) 'Test(x=1, y=2, z=3)' """ def func(self): if args and args[0] == '__all__': props = sorted(vars(self).keys()) else: props = args s = ['{}={!r}'.format(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in props] return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, ', '.join(s)) return func